The Podcast

The Train With The Best Podcast launched in March of 2017 and has been a source of knowledge, inspiration and laughs ever since. Craig and Chris record weekly with a mix of topical discussions, interviews and listener interaction that touch all facets of the fitness industry. It tells stories and facilitates discussions that serve TWTB’s mission of humanizing and advancing the fitness industry.

Guests range from professional athletes to top trainers and educators, journalists, and innovators that have all come together to create the Train With The Best family. With over 200 episodes in the books, the TWTB pod is a must-listen for any fitness enthusiast and can be easily found anywhere you listen to podcasts.

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The Train With The Best Podcast is available on all major podcast platforms, including but not limited to Apple, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, TuneIn + Alexa, Amazon Music, Overcast, Deezer and Pandora.

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TWTB on Apple Podcasts

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